1. What does the word "hemisphere" refer to when talking about the brain?
The brain is divided in to two different hemispheres known as the right brain, and the left brain. One of the ways to learn someone’s styles is to understand there hemispheric dominance. ARE YOU A LEFT BRAINED OR A RIGHT BRAINED? The hemispheres are connected by a thick band or unions of nerve fibers. The left side of the brain is the seat of language and processes in a logical and sequential order. The right side is more visual and processes intuitively, holistically, and randomly. Most people seem to incline to one or the other.
2. What are the major differences between the left and right sides of the brain?
Right Brain
Looks at wholes
Left Brain
Looks at parts
3. What is the corpus collasum?
The corpus collasum is a huge bundle of nerve fibers found only in mammalian brains. These connect both’ hemispheres on the brain, and is responsible for the communication and the synchronization of both on the actions that we make, for example playing Nintendo, typing a paper, hitting someone, using our phones, reading books, playing sports such as basketball, soccer, ping pong, and all of them that are known of. It is self-possessed of white matter, that is, militated nerve cells, or axons, whose key task is to bond grey areas collectively with neural impulses.
4. Explain the study performed by Paul Broca in which he discovered "Broca's Area."
Broca's area is the area of the brain in charge for verbal communication construction, verbal communication dispensation, and speech understanding, as well as scheming facial neurons. First exposed in 1861, Broca's area was named after Pierre Paul Broca. He revealed the area after studying the brain of patience with a speech mutilation after his bereavement.
Broca's area is associated to the Wernick’s area of the brain by the arcuate fasciculus, which is a pathway made of neurons. It is bring into being in the frontal lobe of the cortex, within the inferior frontal gyrus. It is comprised of two primary parts: the Pars triangularis and the Pars opercularis.

5. Explain the study conducted by Roger Sperry in regard to "split brain."
Roger Sperry was a famous neuropsychologist and neurobiologist. He won the Nobel Prize in Medicine due to the “split-brain” studies he did in the year 1981. Roger attended people who had no corpus collasum, meaning that they had it cut off. He worked with a method of a screen; the patient was to look into the center of the screen he was using. Progressively a word appeared on the left side of the patient’s visual side. The patients were not able to tell what they saw, because he or she was not capable because of the information received from the non-verbal right hemisphere of the brain. Later on the patience was asked to grab an object that was located behind the screen using his or her left hand that asserted with the word that was being flashed on the screen. Each hemisphere in the body controls the actions of the opposite side of the body.
6. Explain the study conducted by Karl Wernicke which led to the discovery of Wernicke's Area."

7. Which lobe is most responsible for vision?
The lobe in charged for vision is the occipital lobe.
8. Which lobe is most responsible for hearing and language?
The lobe in charge of the hearing and language is the temporal lobe.
9. Which lobe is most responsible for performing math calculations, and which lobe is most responsible for judgment, reasoning and impulse control?
For performance of math calculations, and responsibility for judgments, reasoning and impulse control are being taken care off in the frontal lobe.
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