Many adults seem to forget how their lives were when they were teenagers. Teenagers think that adults don’t understand their problems and situations, and probably in many occasions it’s true. Teenagers go through different changes in their lives, such as physical changes, and emotional changes.
Adolescents’ changes are not many times understood by adults, and this is why constant arguments are being held mostly at home. Parents and their adolescents are constantly arguing, because adults have trouble adapting to the teenagers personality and actions. During the teenage years many parts of your brain are still growing and developing. The more you exercise a task the more you will develop those cells in your brain, and if you hardly ever do something such as reading your brain will not adapt to the activity and little by little the area in your brain which is uncharged of it, will deactivate until you decide to engage it again as a part of your routine. We can compare this to building muscles, if you are a person you hardly ever does muscle activities, don’t expect your muscles to be like ARNOLD'S, so the same way it works with brain cells that have not been yet used.
As the Frontal lobe and the pre frontal cortex are still developing, you learn stuff day by day. During our teenage years we take many of the decisions of our future, such as our career, learning to smoke and drink, and many similar things. As we adapt to new things we are also adapting to good things, but at the same time as teenagers we are also adapting to bad things such as grabing a cigar for the first time, or grabbing our first beer. These are some bad examples that teenagers often get involved in, and this is why our parents always try to avoid us from going to places where we can be taught such things.
As teenager we always try to setup risky dares on our self’s, and it is when we first experience new things. I can put as an example of myself starting to go with my friends and try learning motocross. It is obvious that this sport is very risky and that my parents do not want be to keep riding motorcycles, because they are too dangerous. But all the teenagers and I always try challenging ourselves to many risky circumstances.

As teenagers we should get at least 9 hours of sleep each day. Our brains and bodies need this time to recover from all the activities we do during the time we are awake. Brain cells get forced to work more then what they are able to when we start sleeping less and working more, so little by little they die and we will not work the same as if we got the complete 9 hours of sleep. The hours of sleep you get before midnight double up, and are much better than the ones past midnight.
In conclusion, children all over the world often become lazier or inclined to other stuff as they grow up and get to experience new things. Generally kids change when they become teenagers, and start going to parties and thinking that they are doing everything as it’s supposed to be done. At this stage of our lives many of us feel and think that our parents start to hate us, and that everything they tell us is wrong, and it is because they don’t want us to have fun or something like that. But parents have to understand that teenagers go through many problems day by day for this reason our emotions are random and vary rapidly.
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